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Custom compilation of company data for businesses in Insurance and Technology based on the following SIC CODES:
Insurance: 6311 - 6331 - 6361 -7291
Technology: 7371 - 7372 - 7373 - 7374 - 7375 - 7378 -7379
There are approximately 50,000 records in Insurance database and 165,000 records in Technology Database. We run verification on all databases prior to closing orders so counts will change. Deliverability on SIC lists varies with error of 10-35% which is higher than standard databases. This is because SIC databases cannot be updated as often. We provide 3rd party verification to get as much accuracy on these lists as possible.
These two databases are available individually (inquire) or as a discounted set using this purchase link. Allow 3-5 working days for delivery via email.